How it works for Clients

We make getting work done easy and affordable
by connecting clients and contractors with the necessary requirements.

Post a job now

No contract, no set-up costs, and 15 days free.

Expand your resources

No matter what you need to get done- a single project, a recurring maintenance contract, or an entire RFP – we’ll help connect you to the right service provider for the job. Our process and system solves for the entire lifecycle of complex vendor sourcing. No more cold calling, verifying, negotiating, and then contracting service providers. Our service handles this all for you and drives better margins on your maintenance contracts. Giving you leveraged buying power.

You’ve come to the right place


ServiceLoop is an open marketplace that connects you with star reviewed service providers. If this isn’t enough to inform your decision, feel free to ask potential providers questions upfront or reach out to us for help!


Quotes you receive are only as accurate as your job details. Provide photographs, detailed descriptions, and the details of your project in your listing – Anything that you think will make difference, will make a difference.


Getting work done is best done through the ServiceLoop mobile app. Communicate more efficiently with your contractor, receive job updates, quickly pay invoices upon completion, and more.


If you need help on determining what rates to expect, our historical data tools gather details from previous jobs to provide you with a realistic idea on cost.


Payments can be surely handled via ServiceLoop, which is our own payment system. All jobs passed through our system are guaranteed.